Monday, March 6, 2017

Newspaper Stasis

The main Stasis used here is Action. After many debates and a vote, an agreement on the Civil Rights Bill was made. The other stases were used prior to passing the Act. The first stasis: Fact and Definition was used when considering who is protected under the law already. Also used when considering who should be granted civil rights. There were civil rights acts of 1866, 1875 and 1957, but the one of 1964 was named the "strongest civil rights act". The second stasis: Cause comes into play when considering what will happen or change for the better when passing the new act. The third stasis: Value plays a role as well because what was included in the bill had to be precise and good quality. Value played a role when movement leaders had to find a balance of what they wanted to propose for the bill. The draft had to be strong enough, but not too strong where moderates and republicans would be completely opposed to it. The fourth stasis: Action was a turning point because since that the bill was signed figuring out how the law was going to be enforced was a new issue. The President made a T.V. appeal to end hatred, but the treatment of minorities was not changed simply by the passing of the bill.


  1. Asiyah, I liked how you mentioned the various stasis used in the stages of creating the Act as compared to the stasis of the newspaper itself. I also liked how you mentioned the importance of the way that the news of the passing of the Act was brought about so that it would appeal to Democrats but not offend moderate Republicans.

  2. I definitely agree that this movement had a very strong "call to action" message behind it. From the methods, tones, target audience, and timing of events, it is easy to see that its goal was for people to rise up and make change.

  3. Interesting how the newspaper at the time had to really watch its language as to not turn off people to the progress. Using the cause and action phases help to set the argument in motion.

  4. While this is very a clearly a depiction of action, there is also an aspect of jurisdiction, as its action from the people who are in charge.

  5. The stasis of action is a very bold theme to apply to an article. However in this case it fits perfectly. The article is calling for a rise of action within its audience, this is done through use of many rhetoric techniques
