Friday, March 3, 2017

Picture - Logos

The picture displays a large protest in which African Americans are protesting and demanding different changes and rights. The picture itself displays logos because there is plenty of evidence to support why the people in picture would have reason to be protesting. The picture was taken during the 60's which was a time period in which segregation and discrimination were extremely prevalent because certain laws that aimed to outlaw those behaviors were not yet created. This fact alone, therefore, justifies and supports the woman holding up the "We demand equal rights now!" sign. The signs held up in the picture are all very direct as well. The diction used  such as "demand" and "now," and the way it is written in capital letters with an exclamation point, convey a very frustrated and stern tone. By making the signs so direct and to the point, the protesters ensure that nothing gets lost in translation, and their needs are stated as clearly as possible.


  1. I agree with your analysis of how logos plays into this photograph. I think it is very clear why the protesters were protesting and the signs do a good job of illustrating that.

  2. I feel as if the appeal to logos requires prior knowledge of the situation, but as a result of having the prior knowledge, the argument is enhanced quite a bit.

  3. I agree that for the most part the logos of the protesters is implicit in the piece. I think the photo itself can have an argument on its own though. Based on the way it is taken, one could claim that the logos of the photo is in claiming that the movement is very large, well-organized, and peaceful.

  4. I also agree with your analysis of how clear the logos is in the photograph. As you said, there is plenty of evidence based on the different messages on the signs.
